PEOPLEadmin2024-01-05T00:59:34+00:00Project DescriptionYOU DON’T TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH, YOU MAKE IT!For me personally I like it the most to photograph people with my wide angle lens. The focus is on the person itself and still you can see the environment and the act of the person.AROUND THE WORLD COLLECTIONadmin2024-01-05T00:38:04+00:00 LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPEadmin2024-01-05T01:15:28+00:00 CULTURE CULTUREadmin2024-01-05T01:06:06+00:00 ADVENTURE ADVENTUREadmin2024-01-05T01:10:17+00:00 CITYSCAPE CITYSCAPEadmin2024-01-05T01:03:10+00:00 CREATIVE CREATIVEadmin2024-01-05T01:11:32+00:00 BLACK AND WHITE BLACK AND WHITEadmin2024-01-05T00:59:34+00:00 PEOPLE PEOPLEadmin2024-01-05T00:29:23+00:00 ANIMAL ANIMAL